Tales of Algerian
Princes, Exotic Beauties, Old Friends Stranded And In Need, and… Your Next
All academics know these pesky little emails that our spam
folder is filled with. Occasionally, a real-looking one slips through the
filter, and it takes us a few minutes to figure out that we are invited to
submit a paper to the journal Psychological Sciences, rather than the
prestigious (or rather, high-impact) journal Psychological Science, without the
‘s’ at the end.
Predatory journals, which pose as real, often open-access
journals, offer to publish your papers for a processing fee, normally several
thousand US-dollars. Numerous researchers have demonstrated that the peer
review process, that supposedly guarantees high quality of your paper, is
completely absent or very lax in these journals. The result of these
demonstrations is a set of published pseudo-academic papers with varying degree
of absurdity; see
here for Zen Faulkes' non-comprehensive compilation of the funniest publications.
I argue that such predatory journals are not worse than your
average spammer – but, of course, they are no better, either. Charging money
for a service one doesn’t provide is a crime, be it a shipping of gold,
mail-order bride, or peer-review process. What I argue here is that, despite
predatory journals receiving a lot of negative attention from the research
community, I have not yet seen a convincing argument to suggest that they
damage science.
Also, it is a separate question whether monopolising
publically funded research, putting it behind a paywall and charging gazillions
for access, then suing the crap out of anyone who dares to disseminate the
knowledge, is morally superior to predatory journals. But, two wrongs don’t
make a right, and this blog post is not about that.
Predatory journals: A
victimless crime?
Sometimes, a paper we write is just “unlucky”: it gets
rejected by journal after journal, and eventually we shrug and realise that the
paper will probably never be accepted for publication. Maybe the paper really
isn’t our best piece of work: it could be a failed experiment, which does not
advance our understanding, but publishing it would prevent other researchers
from wasting time trying the same thing. A worse scenario is a paper which
contradicts previously published and “well-established” work: it could keep
getting blocked by editors and reviewers who are friends with the original
authors or have themselves published papers that hinge on the assumptions that
we are arguing against.
In such cases, making the paper public while avoiding a
stringent peer-review process is justifiable. And, in principle, if you
have money, if you know that you will be publishing in a journal with very low
prestige, or rather, very high anti-prestige – why not? The Frontiers Journals, anecdotally
speaking, are a popular outlet for such work, and until relatively recently,
Frontiers was considered a respectable open-access journal with a high impact
factor, which has published some good papers.
For the record, I don’t think it’s a good idea to publish “unlucky”
papers in predatory journals, for the simple reason that preprint platforms
give you the same service for free, and without the possibility of damaging
your reputation. The format of a preprint also has other advantages: for
example, the fact that your paper is not (yet) published may encourage your
colleagues to provide useful feedback (which has happened to me both times I have
uploaded a preprint so far). But, for those who really want to see their
“unlucky” paper in the formatted journal version, the question is: is
publishing in predatory journals a victimless crime?
Playing the game of
boosting your CV
Some publications in predatory journals are probably by
researchers who got scammed, and genuinely believed that they were paying money
for a good peer-reviewed publication in a legit open-access journal. However, I
would guess that the number of such fooled researchers is relatively small – at
least, I have not heard of a single case. (To be fair, anyone who has realised
that they have been tricked into paying money for a bogus publication would
probably be embarrassed to admit it.)
The problem seems to be that some researchers take advantage
of these predatory journals to boost their publication record. Anecdotally,
this seems to be a problem in the non-Western world, where researchers are
often pressured by their institutions to keep up with Western standards of
publishing in international peer-reviewed journals, even though they often have
fewer resources to produce the same amount of high-quality research and are
sometimes limited by their English skills. Predatory journals allow them to
publish a large quantity of low-quality papers, without having a strict English
proficiency requirement. Here, the victims are honest researchers on the job
market and applying for grants. Having to compete with someone who has an
artificially inflated CV is unfair. On the other hand, I would argue, the
problem here is not predatory journals, but rather an evaluation system that
would prefer a researcher with a hundred random-text-generator papers compared
to one with five good publications. Also, I would bet that, in practice,
presenting a CV with hundreds of publications in predatory journals would not
get a researcher very far on the international market (though I have heard of
such researchers being unfairly advantaged by their home institutions).
In summary, while playing the publication game by publishing
many low-quality articles in predatory journals is not a victimless crime, as
it disadvantages honest researchers, I see it as a symptom of a broken
evaluation system. If we did not evaluate researchers by quantity rather than
quality, researchers just wanting to make their CV look bigger could publish
all the gibberish they wanted, without causing any damage to their colleagues
with less fragile egos.
Bad research posing
as good research
The peer review process serves as a filter to ensure that
the published literature is trustworthy. For researchers, science
journalists, and the general public, this filtering process means that they can
read papers with more confidence. It’s peer reviewed, therefore it’s true, one
might be tempted to conclude. Having papers which appear to be peer reviewed
but actually contain faulty methods, analyses or inferences would create and
disseminate knowledge that is false. As the demonstrations which I linked above
show, any text can be published under the apparent seal of peer-review.
Except, we all know that peer review, even in "legit" journals, is not perfect. I would
like to hear from anyone who has never seen a bad published paper in their
field. Some papers are just sloppy, and draw conclusions that are not
justified. Occasionally, a case of data fabrication or other types of fraud
blows up, and papers published in very prestigious journals that have been
peer-reviewed meticulously by genuine experts are retracted. Even a perfectly
executed study may be reporting a false positive – after all, it’s possible
that one runs an experiment and gets a p-value
of 0.01, not knowing that fifty other labs have tried the same paradigm and not
found a significant effect. Thus, we should not trust the results of a paper,
just because it is peer reviewed. The trustworthiness of a paper should be
determined by its quality, and by whether or not the results are replicable.
Perhaps predatory journals rarely or never publish good
research. Theoretically, it is possible that some publications in predatory
journals are “unlucky” papers of the type I described above, in which case they may well be worth reading. In fact, if we
adopt a broad definition of predatory journals and include Frontiers, it is
very likely that some of the papers are good. Be that as it may, it is
undeniable that peer-reviewed journals at least sometimes publish rubbish. Thus,
we should not rely on peer review as an ultimate seal of approval, anyway –
regardless of the outlet where a paper was published, we should first skip to
the methods and results section, and judge the paper on its own merit.
Damage to the Open
Science movement
When I finally published one of my “unlucky” papers in
Collabra, a friend (from a completely different area of research) told me: “I
don’t want to disappoint you, but… I saw that the journal you published in is
one of these open access journals.” As many of the predatory journals play the
card of making your work freely accessible, there is some confusion about the
distinction between “good” open-access journals and predatory journals. For
example, Frontiers seems to be hovering in a grey area, with many respectable
scientists on the editorial boards, but examples of very bad research getting
published, and editors being pressured into accepting papers for the sake of
increasing profit.
It is hard to argue against the benefit of making research
freely accessible, both to fellow scientists and to the general public.
Therefore, it is a pity that the Open Science movement loses some of the
respect and support that it deserves, not due to convincing counter-arguments
but due to confusion about whether or not it has a legit peer review process. Again,
though, the problem here is not predatory publishing: rather, it is
misconceptions about open access and its relation to the quality of peer review.
Predatory journals pose as academic, often open-access
journals, and have been shown to publish, for a fee, any text with a very lax
peer review process, or none at all. Predatory journals are annoying, because
they spam researchers in an attempt to receive submissions, and they are
immoral, because they may trick a researcher into paying money for the service
of high-quality peer review which will not be provided.
There are other issues which may be argued to impede the
progress of science. Allowing researchers to inflate their CVs by publishing a
large quantity of low-quality work may disadvantage more honest researchers
with fewer but better publications, who compete with them for jobs and funding.
This would lead to the selection of bad scientists in high-level positions.
Publishing low-quality papers as peer reviewed studies may confuse other
researchers, science journalists and the general public, and would thus serve
to disseminate facts that are not true. Finally, as they pose as open-access
journals, predatory journals damage the reputation of other open-access
journals, by spreading the misconception that open-access journals necessarily
have a lax peer review process and publish anything to increase their financial
I argue that the issues discussed in the previous paragraph
– though they are real and important problems – are symptoms of an imperfect
evaluation system, rather than caused by the presence of predatory journals. In
an ideal world, researchers and papers would be evaluated on their own merit,
rather than by a number representing the quantity of publications or impact
factors. This is rather difficult to achieve, because it requires top-down changes
from employers and funders. But, in this ideal world, publishing in a predatory
journal would become nothing more than an auto-ego-stroking gesture. Also,
myths about open access journals need to be dispelled, so that the negative
publicity that predatory journals receive would not damage the open science
movement. Many open access journals, such as Collabra
and RIO, have the option of publishing
the reviewers’ comments alongside the paper. This practice should dispel any
doubts about the legitimacy of the peer review process. If the same was done
for all journals, this could be used as an indicator for the journal’s quality,
rather than the label of being open access, which is, in principle, orthogonal
to the peer review process.
So, what should we do about the presence of predatory
journals? Address the issues from the previous paragraph, somehow. And, in the
meantime, treat emails from predatory journals the same way you treat any other
spam: either delete them, or, for a slow day in the office, see here
for some inspiration.